In this blog you will find how to earn money from different sites. You will find programs where you can earn money for free and you will also find programs where you can earn more money by investing. You will also find payment proof

Earn money for reading sms, email and many more in youmint is owned by MobileTree Ltd, a company registered in England. YouMint has been awarded the “Most Innovative SME Solution Award” by HSBC. You can earn money for incoming SMS and Emails. You can send free SMS from YouMint. And also earn money for promos sent to your network on YouMint. You can earn money from referrals.
Introduce your friends and get paid when they join and when their friends join and earn Rs 0.50 each time a friend you referred signs up and Rs. 0.25 when your friend’s friend signs up. Participate in YouMint Cash Offers and mint money everytime your network participates in the advertisers’ offers. With YouMint, you can reap rich rewards for having access to your friends and being able to influence them if the advertisers offerings appeal to you.
Here’s what YOU get each time a Promo SMS is delivered to or a YouMint Cash Email is opened by: -
YOU – Rs 0.20
Your Referral - Rs 0.10
Your Referrals’ Referral - Rs 0.05
a) 1 promo x 30 days x Rs.0.20 per promo = Rs 6
b) 1 promo x 30 days x Rs.0.10 per promo x 20 friends = Rs 60
c) 1 promo x 30 days x Rs.0.05 per promo x 400 friends (assuming each of your twenty friends successfully referred 20 friends each)= Rs.600
So, Rs 6 + Rs 60+ Rs 600 adds up to a cool Rs 666!
Now, you can get paid by the advertisers too for talking about their brand and influencing your friends as a result of that. ITS FREE TO JOIN