In this blog you will find how to earn money from different sites. You will find programs where you can earn money for free and you will also find programs where you can earn more money by investing. You will also find payment proof

Ways of earning money for teenagers

Teenagers depend less on their parents and are becoming more independent these days. They need money for buying clothes, Cd's, hanging out etc. Expense in this modern life is very high and so teens need more money.
There are many ways teens can earn. They are as follows:

(a) Jobs available in the neighbourhood like pet care, baby sitting, departmental stores, elderly care, teaching computer skills, tuition , typing etc.

(b) Making your own blog or website. You can make a free blog in start and start selling products online in your blog or website

(c) Survey- There are many surveys which pays you money for giving your opinion

(d) Reading email- You get paid for reading email

(e) Teens can also make lots of money for free from this

(f) Clicking ads in PTC sites like trekpay can also make mone