In this blog you will find how to earn money from different sites. You will find programs where you can earn money for free and you will also find programs where you can earn more money by investing. You will also find payment proof

Earn money from photos in shareapic

Join Shareapic and earn money for sharing your pictures. is a free image hosting and photo sharing service that pays users to host their pictures and image galleries.

You can earn in shareapic by uploading unlimited pictures. There is no file size restrictions . You can create unlimited galleries
Earn $2 per 1000 image views for traffic from North American and Western European traffic.
Earn $0.22 per 1000 pic views for your traffic from India, Asia.
Each time you refer a new user, you earn 10% of their image views forever
One click posting to Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, Orkut, and more. If you're posting lots of pics in forums, MySpace or eBay, you can see how easy it is to earn quite a bit of money! Minimum payout is $20 through paypal. Its free to join